123 456 000

On June 30, 2021, our manufacturing company Forsteel Oy (business ID 0863744-4) will merge with Forsfood Oy (2284705-0), a sales company belonging to the same group. As a result, from 1 July 2021, all Forsteel’s invoices and deliveries must be addressed to Forsfood Oy. From July 1 ,2021, e-invoices can no longer be sent to Forsteel’s old e-invoicing address.

If you have any questions related to the merger or invoicing, you can contact our financial manager: Erika Mattila 0400-179198, erika.mattila@forsfood.fi.

Please find Forsfood’s contact and billing information below.

Company information:

Forsfood Oy

Ajokkikuja 5

61800 Kauhajoki

VAT number: FI 22847050

Online billing information:

Electronic invoice address: FI1520431800024567

Broker:                    NDEAFIHH

